Release your creativity with SoulCollage®!
Opening up a whole new world
I am always looking for activities which ignite the imagination and strengthen people’s urge to discover their creative potential. While exploring I came across SoulCollage®, an intuitive collage process. I found it so exciting personally that I wanted to offer it to others and so I went to California to train as a SoulCollage® facilitator with its creator, Seena B. Frost. I am now thrilled to be offering this life-enhancing activity to curious people wanting to explore their creativity in the UK, Portugal and elsewhere in Europe.
Connect easily with your creative flow
SoulCollage® is a great way to boost your creative flow. Right from the start it will show you that you truly are an artist. Using found images you make your own personal deck of collaged cards, about aspects of your own life and your unique life journey. A powerful synergy arises when people do SoulCollage® together led by a trained SoulCollage® facilitator. .
Discover your unique richness
SoulCollage® is an intricate process of creative discovery, self exploration and self acceptance. Making the cards is always a delightful experience of creative unfolding. Then, once you’ve made some cards, you can start asking your cards questions and get answers to help you in real life situations. The answers can be surprisingly penetrating, supportive and energising.
Fuel your creativity with a SoulCollage® workshop
Linda is now offering SoulCollage® workshops in Portugal, the U.K. and elsewhere by special request. For details and feedback from participants visit: To find out more about why SoulCollage® fires me watch this video: